Images or graphics are one of the most vital aspects of websites, as they are the ones that add elegance to a website to attract millions of people to browse it on a monthly basis. Still, there are people who think exactly opposite, and give less importance to the images and graphics on their website, and at the end they regret it. So it’s always better to give them importance since the beginning. Having said that, today we are going to discuss a different case of rollover images, and tell you how you to create them using CSS. But before that lets understand what image rollover actually is...Continue reading →
Since its launch in February, version 5.1 of WordPress has been downloaded over 19 million times. While the first major release of the year introduced a number of tools to make the CMS even better, faster, and more secure, the development of version 5.2 is now underway to improve the CMS further. As a result of the development, the WordPress Core Team recently released WordPress 5.2 Beta 2 to give users a sneak peek into what new features and improvements version 5.2 is bringing. Slated for release on April 30, WordPress 5.2 mainly emphasizes the improvement of the Block Editor and Site Health Features. Click Here to Read the full article on XHTMLjunction official blog.